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 Cheat NS From Ryuzaki

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4 posters

Jumlah posting : 75
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Join date : 17.12.10
Age : 26
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Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   Empty
PostSubyek: Cheat NS From Ryuzaki    Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 11:41 pm

Ni Ane Bantu buat YG Mau NS cheat msi Work
pertama DL nih
Credit: dari Ryuzaki
Utk alat pke sederhana aja
-Database yang di DL tadi
Skr caranya:
Buka Fiddler.
Pilih semua 3 file dan menyeret mereka semua ke dalam tab Autoresponder dari Fiddler.
Membuat 'auto Aktifkan ...' yakin dan 'Izin passthrough ...' keduanya dicentang.
Masukkan Saga Ninja. Jika Anda menggunakan firefox, membuat modus yakin Fiddler adalah ForceOn. (Periksa Tool Tutorial atas jika pertama kali menggunakan fiddler)
Jika semua 3 file diganti dengan benar, kunjungi Saga TOKO di Ninja dan pergi ke Produk.
Anda akan melihat 3 item. Reset, 50 juta dan Undang tim GODKNOWS.
Cukup pilih cheat yang Anda inginkan. Jika Anda ingin memiliki kedua Ryuzaki dan MissDex berjuang untuk Anda, tim GODKNOWS pilih. Mereka berdua level 100. Bersenang-senang.
Untuk koin hack, periksa item Anda dan dijual seharga $ $
Klo Bahasa indo nya aneh sorry cuz w Copaz dari Web bahasa thailand @@
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Jumlah posting : 164
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Join date : 17.12.10
Age : 27
Lokasi : Solo, Indonesia

Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Cheat NS From Ryuzaki    Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 11:44 pm

Fiddler tuh apaan ?
trus download di mana ?
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Jumlah posting : 379
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Join date : 17.12.10
Age : 26
Lokasi : Surakarta

Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Cheat NS From Ryuzaki    Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 11:48 pm

ke banend tau rasa deh lol!

btw id ane udah situ mainin belm ?
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Jumlah posting : 75
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Join date : 17.12.10
Age : 26
Lokasi : solo

Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Cheat NS From Ryuzaki    Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   EmptySun Dec 19, 2010 11:57 pm

ini Utk Fiddler<<sedot
Tutor fiddler pke bhsa Inggris:
Credit by

I still see a lot of questions on using Fiddlers so I hope this post solves everything and answer everyone's questions too.Please read till the end so you will be a Fiddler Expert :p Questions are at the end of this post and it will help answer most of your questions.

2. Open it and you should see an application like this. We will only focus only certain features: Capture Traffic, Autoresponder, How to replace database.

3. For Google Chrome and Internet Explorer users, just Ensure that Capture Traffic is enabled and you can see the URLS appear when you load a webpage. For Firefox Users, you will need to ensure Fiddler settings is Force Traffic to Fiddler whenever you want to use Fiddler.

4. Now for example, each time I say replace 'database.dat' or 'restaurant.bin' or 'gameSettings', just Click on the 'Find' in Fiddler and search for 'database', or 'restaurant' or 'gameSettings' and the url will be highlighted in yellow as seen in the screenshot below

5. Now, you can either Right click it and Select Copy Just URL and click 'Add' in the Autoresponder.
OR you can just drag it into the Autoresponder tab.

6. To replace the database, just select the dropdown menu and select Find A File and browse to the file that I asked you to download. And click Save.

7. Now just clear cache and reload the game and it will be replaced.
For IE users, just click Clear Cache in Fiddler2 to clear cache.
For Chrome users, Click on the Spanner, Go to Options, Under the Hood, and Clear Browsing Data and clear everything for the cache.
For Firefox users, you should have this menu at the lower right corner.
Im getting a HTTP error protocol message pop up. Help!
In fiddler, go to Tools, Fiddler Options, General Tab and untick "Show a message when HTTP protocol...."
I cannot load my game when using Fiddler. Help!
You can try loading it on other browsers like Chrome or IE or Firefox. Try all 3 first and if it still doesnt load, you may need a faster computer and connection as it is using a proxy connection to load the game. Try it on an account with lesser items or at a friends house with fast connection.
Mayor kept appearing!! Help!
You have a slow connection, just keep refreshing. It will help Smile I know cause it happens to me when my net is slow too.

Info nya gan thx
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Jumlah posting : 93
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Join date : 17.12.10

Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   Empty
PostSubyek: Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   Cheat NS From Ryuzaki   EmptyMon Dec 20, 2010 2:37 pm

Nice Share Gan ! !
Keep Posting jempolan
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